Renewable Energy Sources
Biomass Energy Power Plants
Under the new energy law, Ugurlu RED is working on to develop a biomass energy power plant, both to reduce the green house emissions of agricultural and farm wates, and to generate green energy to reduce the country's demand for clean energy. Regarding the project, Ugurlu is in debates with the government authorities as well the foreign investment and EPC companies, to clear the facts and the feasibility analysis of the new technology.
Organic Agriculture and Green House with Modern Irrigation
The 200.000 sqm of agricultural land owned by the company will be used for organic farming under EU regulations. Ugurlu is contact with European companies for joint ventures on developing the project and marketing the products through out the continental europe.
Logistic Centers
Although many international logistics service providers are already located in Istanbul, the facilities are still not comparable to those in Europe, with their good connections to harbors, airports and railroads. The industry needs multimodal hubs, where Ugurlu RED is willing to serve international firms, that are already in search for a EU standartized logistic centers, as an investor and constructor.
UĞURLU GAYRİMENKUL GELİŞTİRME A.Ş. Tüm hakları saklıdır. İzinsiz kullanılamaz. © 2011